GIVING OPPORTUNITIESEvery donation helps create a stronger Zoo and allows us to fulfill our commitment to education, conservation, animal care and serving the community. DONATE Your gift makes a difference! A general donation to the annual fund will allow us to support the Zoo where they need it most. NEW FARMYARDJoin in our efforts to build a new Farmyard at the Greenville Zoo. The newly designed Farmyard will showcase farm animals used on farms around the world and provide animal contact for guests! FRIENDS GIVING SOCIETY Join the Friends Giving Society, a group made up of our most dedicated and passionate friends who truly understand the importance of maintaining a world-class zoo in Greenville. Donors who join the Friends Giving Society will receive special benefits, including a zoo membership, invitations to events hosted exclusively for Giving Society members, private behind-the-scenes experiences, animal encounters and more! Giving levels start at $500 per year, with each level having its own unique offerings. Friends Giving SocietyAMAZON WISH LIST The Greenville Zoo Foundation has an Amazon wish list where you can buy enrichment items for our zoo animals! Purchase an item and it can be shipped directly to the Zoo. CHARITABLE ROLLOVERS The Charitable IRA Rollover (or sometimes referred to as Qualified Charitable Deductions) provides taxpayers 70 ½ or older with a mechanism for transferring their annual Required Minimum Distributions (RMD’s) directly to charitable organizations. Contact your IRA plan administrator to make a gift from your IRA to Greenville Zoo Foundation. Your IRA funds will be directly transferred to our organization to help continue our important work. |
DONOR-ADVISED FUNDS Ask your fund administrator about making a one time distribution from your donor-advised fund to help support our organization. PLANNED GIVING Remembering the Greenville Zoo in your estate planning leaves a lasting legacy and helps ensure the Zoo continues to be a source of education and inspiration for future generations. With specific language in your will or trust, you may give cash, securities, life insurance and/or property. Gifts can be designated to a specific area, or allowed to be used by the Zoo for the areas of greatest need. Whatever you decide, you can be sure the Greenville Zoo will comply with your wishes, providing you with a lasting legacy. Please let us know you included the Greenville Zoo Foundation in your planning so we may thank you for your generosity by contacting Lydia Thomas, Executive Director, at 864.627.4200 or lthomas@greenvillezoofoundation.org. |